EditorsPick Turkey secretly launched criminal investigation into US officials and defense contractor Lockheed Martin June 17, 2019
EditorsPick Twice-indicted ISIL propagandist acquitted in Turkey on grounds of freedom of speech June 17, 2019
EditorsPick Turkish police tortured a military officer to extract false statement against Gülen June 10, 2019
EditorsPick Turkish professor in the US faces politically motivated extradition requested by Turkish government June 10, 2019
EditorsPick Defendants in coup proceedings denied fair trial in Turkey, prevented access to case files April 29, 2021
EditorsPick Turkish Foreign Ministry spied on Swedish organization, profiled exiled Turkish journalists June 10, 2019
EditorsPick Turkish judge orders Twitter to censor Bayraktar drone story over complaint by Erdoğan lawyer June 10, 2019
EditorsPick Banned jihadist books openly sold on Turkey’s largest e-commerce site, N11.com June 3, 2019
EditorsPick Turkish lieutenant exposes plot in coup bid, tells about torture he endured April 29, 2021