copyedited Turkey’s new intel chief İbrahim Kalın secretly worked with one-time al-Qaeda financer June 12, 2023
copyedited Spain joins military exercise with breakaway Turkish Cyprus despite Greece’s objections June 9, 2023
copyedited Turkey’s former spymaster, the new foreign minister, to transform diplomatic service into intelligence tool June 8, 2023
copyedited Turkish intelligence agency MIT fabricated assassination plot against Erdoğan’s daughter to smear critics June 7, 2023
copyedited Turkey’s new economy czar is no golden boy, helped Erdoğan suspend the rule of law June 3, 2023
copyedited Insider’s revelation put a spotlight on Erdogan’s huge wealth, accumulated through bribes and kickbacks June 1, 2023
Analysis&Opinion Erdogan can’t win runoff election without help from Turkey’s rudderless opposition May 27, 2023
copyedited A secret gov’t report targeting German foundations in Turkey resurfaced in 2023 May 22, 2023