EditorsPick İlhami Balı, the mastermind of ISIL attacks in Turkey, worked with Turkish intelligence agency MİT January 9, 2021
EditorsPick Turkey considered condemnation of ISIL for terrorism in France to be criminal evidence January 9, 2021
EditorsPick Military intelligence officer jailed for investigating ISIL and malware apps in Turkey June 24, 2019
EditorsPick Gov’t-critic Gülen indicted for saying Erdoğan aided and abetted ISIL, al-Nusra in Syria June 23, 2019
EditorsPick Twice-indicted ISIL propagandist acquitted in Turkey on grounds of freedom of speech June 17, 2019
EditorsPick Turkey acquitted ISIL operative of extorting money from families that lost sons to jihadist group May 27, 2019
Intelligence Secret military intel shows most foreign jihadists let go in Turkey after detention May 25, 2019
EditorsPick Turkey’s military intelligence identifies 4,000 Turkish ISIL militants, 69 jihadist groups May 6, 2019